Monday, February 7, 2011

Monkey pajamas

Ady is really outgrowing her clothes too fast. I turned around this last week and she was out of PJ's that are warm, cozy but not fleece. This girl can really overheat so flannel it best for her to sleep in!

A few years ago I bought two pieces of Sock Monkey flannel by Moda, in a great quilt shop in New Hampshire.
I was immediately pulled in by the monkeys and thought that she would love them.  I now realize that they could be scary to a little girl. She took two days to agree to try them on and the good news is that she now loves them! Phew!
I did not have enough of the fabric to make a matching top but I found a soft long sleeve t-shirt on sale and i think the color matches very nicely. To make sure she will be able to wear them for a while, I added a three inch seam allowance to be let out as needed.

As for a pattern, I just traced around a pair of pants that fits her and added here and there to make them roomy for sleep time. I also added the elastic band in a separate piece in stead of folding the top over. I think this helps with the fit in the waist.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

So cute! She rocks the "just rolled out of bed" look!

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